Saturday, March 7, 2009

. .graduation . .

. . ahay .. graduatoin is cominh so0n . . .its time to say goodbYe . . BYE!!!..... everyone of us as a student we want to gRaduate. .. being a high school student .. we've met a lot of experiences and we will neVer forget all of this, . . thank you for being part in y LIFE . . my FRIENDS,TEACHERS,CLASSMATES,SCHOOLMATES AND INSPIRATIONS . . .
i loved being a high school . . .ahay BYE to my crush ..hmmmm . . . ahahaha . . .
. . .just be happy and HAPPY GRADUATION . . . .. . MOVING ON,i hope this is not the end of our friendship . . . .goodLuck to all of us . . BYE GET LOST!!!

.. moviE makiNg..>

in making movie maker we got a hard time in preparing this activity . . .there are so many steps in making this movie . . we take first an example or exercise before we do by groupings. We also take the different steps on how to create a movie maker, I listen very well to our teacher while teaching the steps so that I follow and know what we are going to do. I learn how to make the background music, how to put and drag a picture, how to put a movie transition, and I also learn the uses of different collection on movie maker. . .i asked also help to my classmates . . .and finally!! . . . .making making!!...}>

js prom

Everyone of us are very excited to have the JSP especially the 3rd year and 4th year, February 13,2009 we juniors and seniors have our JSP at the gymnasium . . i join the promenade and my partner was late at the moment . .hmpt!!! . .so diaante was my partner . . .its ok .. !!! . . i am so very disappointed in this jsp!!....perhaps i enjoyed dancing with my friends,suitors,crushes and my ex's ,, were having our picture taking . .ahahaha . .then when ladies choice came i was looking at my crushto dance with him!!...but i cant find him , ,it really hurts . . datz oL!...tear drops . . .beh!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


In my own exercise I encountered some problems like how to use the HTML and how to know the purpose of this. In doing my exercise I encountered also how to know the purpose or uses of notepad.I addressed this problems by knowing all the uses and I also cooperate in all the activities that we are doing in this subject and I follow all the instructions.

3rd periodical teSt

During our periodical test,I find out that the test was so difficult . .. . because I did not reviewed. some of the questions I did not answer . .. and my test paper in MAPEH confiscated . . .because mam Giron saw me copying at my sitmate .
the test for me was so difficult . . . . . datZ oL..

Sunday, January 25, 2009

my experience

Wer so b.c this past few weeks bec. of the intramurals and wer so b.c practicing the cheering.., sometimes if wer atTending our t.l.e subject wer so b.c making our own business..,so fun....very tiring..

my experience

During our intramurals wer so b.c practicing the cheering . . . .and were not attending our class .because im very exhausted in this week . . . i found the intramurals fun.... We performed the cheering competition . . . . this was very exciting . . . .